Oort Digital (OORT) Coin - Yeni Çıkan Coinler

ICO AdıOort Digital
Başlangıç ​​tarihiOcak 18, 2022
Bitiş tarihiOcak 19, 2022
2 yıl önce

Oort Digital is one of the first crypto projects that exclusively focuses on building the whole GameFi ecosystem. They aim to build a super account for NFTs to be played out in variety of ways with seamless user experience in mind. If Bitcoin adds the monetary layer on top of the internet protocol, then Oort Digital’s ultimate goal is to add the DeFi layer on top of the whole Metaverse.

Oort Digital (OORT) Coin - Yeni Çıkan Coinler

Oort Digital (OORT) Coin nedir, nasıl alınır ? (OORT) Toplam Arz , Listeleme, Binance , Gateio , Kucoin yeni çıkan coinler !